Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Mother’s Day

To the hearts hurting as Mother's Day approaches,

I am right there with you. I know the tender pain one date on a calendar can bring. Regardless if the ache is recent or years old, this day can be hard to trek through. I want you to know you are not alone. And that it is ok if you are incredibly sad. And it is ok if you are filled with joy. This is the first Mother’s Day since my Mom died that I have more joy than grief and I feel like I can take a deep breath and exhale peace. I used to run from memories in an effort to protect myself from deep pain. But now I want to remember. It took me years to reach this place. Wherever you are on your journey, you have permission to feel however you want to feel. I also want you to remember that you are not motherless. I am still a daughter to a remarkable mother even though she is no longer journeying on earth. She will always be MY mom. If you are grieving through the loss of a child, you are not childless. That sweet baby you didn’t even get to hold, only held briefly, or that child you didn't have near enough time with is still YOURS. To those who desperately desire a baby, to be called "mom" but have not been able to get pregnant, you are remembered. Every month that passes may feel like a reminder of what you do not have. You are not alone. 

This day, a day some dread throughout the year, can be horribly painful. We grieve together. I'm right there with you. I wish I could say something that would bring healing, that would lessen the ache. I wish I could just squeeze you. Please know that we are walking this journey together. You are very much remembered, especially on this day. So, take a deep breath. And keep putting one foot in front of the other. May God give you strength to press on. You are so loved. ❤️

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