Sunday, August 6, 2017

We did a thing

 My husband and I did a thing, a BIG thing. We longed for it for years. We prepared for it for months. Prayed a lot. And then we took a giant leap of faith and just did it. We sold our house. And then we quit our jobs.

 I know, I know. It sounds crazy. But guys, it is going to be such a beautiful part of our journey!

In a week, we are heading back to Europe for three weeks. This time we are going to enjoy the fresh fall air and lush beauty of Sweden, Norway, and Ireland. We are so excited that we are already packed!

When we return, we are going to R E S T. Refresh. Become rejuvenated. We are going to stay up late and sleep in. Netflix will become a good friend of mine. We want to spend more time working out and becoming the healthiest we have ever been. We want to volunteer and spend more time helping others. We want to spend more time with our families, both here in Texas and in Alabama. We also want to become more active in our church. We yearn to grow so much deeper in our faith.

We want to accomplish our own personal goals. I want to finish writing a book. I also want to start my own counseling practice. My husband plans to build upon his business and grow it. Our great hope is come January, we will not have to go back to work but will be our own bosses.

I am most excited about all the time I will have with my beloved. I will not be apart from him for 9-10 hours a day while at work. I will literally have every moment with him. I am weepy just thinking about it!

 There is so much good and lovely in store! And God has overwhelmingly blessed us and shown us His favor over and over and over.

 I cannot wait to keep updating on how it is going!


  1. Love it, but sis you forgot to mention more time with your family in Iowa. ;) Have a great trip ya'll.

  2. I am so happy for both of you. I pray that you will have a great time on your trip. And great success in your endeavors after coming back to the US. God bless you! Love, Jackie
