Tuesday, April 16, 2019

All things new

We have a large tree in our backyard that remained naked until a few weeks ago. It withstood a hard winter that stripped away most of its life. I noticed tiny green blooms beginning to emerge. Within a few days, it was clothed with beautiful green leaves. Maybe you’ve been in a long, hard season. And you have desperately wanted to feel better, for things to just be better. Life hasn’t been fair. You’ve experienced difficult changes and your new normal just isn’t working for you. You feel stuck in your sadness, anger, bitterness. 

Friends, Jesus is in the business of making all things new. Let’s press into a new season of hope. Let Jesus be your strength. You cannot change what has happened. But you can allow Jesus to enter into the hard and ugly with you. You are not alone. And you are so, so loved.